Are you someone who loves to give to others? So often we are constantly giving out – our time, energy, money, love, and support. But how often do we give back to ourselves? In this article, I will share 8 self care tips for ‘busy’ people to boost your energy! It is vital to look after ourselves, because if we don’t have a full cup, how can we have enough energy to give to others?
Is busy really a good thing?
When I ask someone ‘how are you?’, and they reply ‘busy!’, it tells me their priorities might be out of order. I wonder if they are actually happy with their choice to be ‘busy’, or even if they know it is a choice at all! I wonder if they ever stop for a few moments to reflect on how they’re really feeling.
Being busy is a choice. We all have the same amount of time during the day, and it is up to us how we choose to manage ourselves in that time. If you are feeling run down and tired, it could be a sign you are not prioritising yourself. Work is important, but without taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to work!
A few moments to connect in with our body, our breath, and our emotional and energetic state can be so powerful. Our body is always giving us feedback. It lets us know if we’re heading in the right direction or whether we’re simply on a treadmill running on the spot. When we are constantly ‘busy’ the tendency is to run as hard and fast as possible, draining our energy and putting us on the fast track to getting sick.
If you have been neglecting yourself lately, it is time to switch your priorities. If you don’t take time for yourself, eventually your body will force you to stop by getting injured or burning out. Here are some self-care tips that can help you to pause, take stock, and re-evaluate how you are really feeling.
8 self care tips for ‘busy’ people:
- Take a walk around the block, breathe in fresh air and clear your head
- Take a yoga class (or any other exercise class) to shifting stagnant energy and get back in touch with your body and breath
- Turn your phone off for an hour and read a book
- Make a cup of tea and call a friend for a chat
- Meditate
- Run a hot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils
- Schedule in a weekend away and leave your laptop behind
- Get a Reiki treatment!
If none of these things tickle your fancy, try scheduling in something each day that you can look forward to. Even if your day is jam-packed, just 10 minutes throughout the day can help. Stop, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths into your belly. Just this small exercise can do wonders to slow down your mind and get back in touch with your body.