Benefits of Reiki Courses Melbourne

By Casey Cheah, 29 February 2024

Benefits of Reiki Courses Melbourne

There are many benefits of Reiki Courses in Melbourne! A Reiki Course will be an amazing experience for you, but also has positive ripple effects out to the people around you too. When you learn Reiki, it is an opportunity to empower yourself. You will learn skills that will benefit you in your own self-Reiki and meditation practice. You’ll also be able to share that gift with your family and friends too. What a beautiful way to spread your light, kindness and love with the people who matter most!

Here are some 5 amazing benefits of Reiki Courses in Melbourne:

1. Connect to your intuition

Being attuned to Reiki energy activates your innate healing capacity and connects you more deeply to Spirit. This in turn allows you to tune into your intuition and gut instinct, which both align you with your Higher Self. During a Reiki Course, you will learn Reiki meditations, as well as self-Reiki tools that you can use at any time. The more you practice meditation and self-Reiki, the easier it is to tune into your intuition. You will become far more proficient at discerning intuitive thoughts from fear-based thoughts and worry. Our intuition is our secret source, the thing that helps guide us, and give insight into our decision making. Developing your intuition also allows you to develop deeper trust in yourself. When you trust yourself, you become unshakeable!

2. Empower yourself to heal

So often when we are struggling, we seek help outside of ourselves. Speaking to your friends, family, a therapist, or a Reiki healer are incredible resources of course! However, it is very empowering when we can learn tools and strategies to help ourselves too. When you learn Reiki and complete a Reiki training, you will uncover more about what makes you tick. You’ll understand the ‘4 aspects of being’ (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) in more detail. Balancing these elements within yourself, and taking responsibility for your own healing, builds self-confidence. Additionally, you’ll learn how to Reiki yourself, meditate, and discover the Reiki Principles, which help set you up for a more content and peaceful life.

3. Helping others

One of the most amazing aspects of Reiki is giving back to others. When you learn Reiki on a Reiki Course in Melbourne, you will learn to Reiki yourself and others. You’ll discover different ways of practicing Reiki, develop your intuition, and how to set up your own professional Reiki practice! You will also learn all about the chakras and how to give a chakra balance. Something else that is pretty amazing, is that when you give Reiki to others, you actually receive a Reiki treatment at the same time! There is so much joy in giving to others, and to have the ability to help and heal other people is an honour and a privilege.

4. Deepening your spiritual practice

Reiki is non-religious, meaning anyone can learn Reiki, regardless of your faith or religious beliefs. However, Reiki is definitely a spiritual practice! You’ll find that when learning Reiki on a Reiki Course in Melbourne, you’ll start to open up to an energy force that is much greater than ourselves. Reiki is Japanese for ‘universal life force energy’. The belief is that everything is energy. Sometimes when our energy is blocked, it can cause dis-ease and illness in the body, mind and spirit. Through Reiki, we can release blockages, and clear our energy field. After practicing Reiki, you’ll notice you become more easily tuned in to energy, your intuition, and Spirit. You might start having more and more spiritual experiences. You might even develop greater psychic abilities. If this sparks your interest, I’d highly recommend booking in for a Reiki Course in Melbourne and being open to see what happens!

5. Raises your vibration!

Everyone is made up of energy. There is both high and low frequencies of energy. When we are feeling down, depleted, stressed, burnt out, sick, grieving, or just plain exhausted, our energy is low. When we’re low frequency, that is the exact vibration that we put out into the Universe, and it’s what we will receive back in return. In addition, if you are depleted, you then become susceptible to illness and dis-ease. Learning Reiki is a wonderful way to raise your vibration, and learn tools and skills to be able to do that at home too. When you are high vibration, you will emit a much higher frequency out into the Universe, and attract that back to you! Additionally, you’ll more easily be able to align with your intuition, and open your heart. When in a high vibrational state, you are a much stronger energy, more protected, and can have a much more positive influence on the people around you too.

Reiki Courses in Melbourne

If you are ready to discover these benefits of Reiki Courses in Melbourne, you can find out more here! You can read more about Reiki Level 1 here. If you have completed Reiki Level 1, you might be eligible to complete Reiki Level 2. If you would like to take your Reiki practice even further, you might like to read more and book in for Reiki Level 3a, Reiki Mastership Practitioner. And if you are at the stage where you would like to teach Reiki yourself, you can read more about our Reiki Mastership program here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me here. I look forward to seeing you soon!

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