Can Reiki help reduce physical pain?

By Casey Cheah, 23 August 2023

Can Reiki help reduce physical pain?

‘Can Reiki help reduce physical pain?’ is a question I get asked a lot! Reiki is a wonderful, non-invasive healing modality that can be used on its own, or as a complementary therapy alongside traditional western medicine. Reiki can definitely help to reduce physical pain, however it is important to note that everyone’s pain is different. Results will be dependent on each individual circumstance.

Energy is everything

‘Reiki’ is Japanese for universal life force energy. The basic premise is that everything is made up of energy, including our physical body. When our energy is out of balance, this can cause dis-ease across all levels: mental, emotional, energetic and physical. If our energy stays out of balance or blocked for too long, it could then manifest as physical pain. In addition, if we are stressed, overwhelmed, fatigued, or grieving for example, this can also cause our energy to be out of balance. This can then exacerbate any physical issues we might have. 

Physical therapy vs energy healing

Often when we have a physical symptom or pain, we try to relieve this pain through other physical means, such as massage, chiro, physiotherapy, drugs/medicine, etc. These are not bad or wrong, they are just another means to try and help us feel better! If these things don’t help however, often that’s when clients seek out an alternative way of treating pain. The good thing is that Reiki healing can be used in addition to these therapies, if the client so desires. 

There are several ways in which Reiki can help to reduce physical pain:

1. Calms your nervous system

Reiki healing is extremely relaxing and calming for your nervous system. It helps your body move out of fight/flight mode or sympathetic nervous system, and into your rest/digest mode, known as your parasympathetic nervous system. When your nervous system is dialled down, it allows your body to start to heal. When in stress mode, your body shuts down its immune system, memory, cognition, and basically all systems required for you to function optimally. Instead, it will pump your body full of cortisol, adrenalin, noradrenaline and other stress hormones, helping you to get ready to fight or flee from the perceived stress. 

In addition, when in stress mode, your Ego mind will find any way possible to ‘deal’ with the stress. Often this means distraction, or overcompensating in other areas such as exercise, work, food, alcohol, sugar, drugs, partying, etc. Other behavioural adaptations could include repressing emotions, ignoring the thing that is stressing you out, pretending it’s all fine when it’s not (denial), or lashing out or blaming other people around you. When you receive a Reiki treatment, Reiki bring up all the emotions that have been bubbling under the surface to be healed and cleared. It also helps shift you into a state of peace and relaxation which allows your body to come back into balance once more.

2. Reduces emotional stress

Reiki energy is life force energy. When we are under emotional stress, we start to become depleted in our energy, draining our vital life force. When we have lower reserves of energy, it takes a lot more work for our body to function and get through the day. We end up in survival mode, rather than thriving. Reiki healing can help release pent up or stored emotions in the body (known as emotional or energetic blockages). It also allows your energy and emotions to flow through with more ease. This will then in turn help you deal with whatever stressful situation you find yourself in, including physical pain.

3. Deepens your connection with Spirit

Sometimes when in chronic or severe pain, it can be entirely overwhelming. It can be challenging to think straight, or deal with everyday life. In moments like this, it can really help to find comfort in your higher power, whatever that is for you. Whenever I’ve been sick or in pain, I always lean on my spiritual faith. It really helps me figure out what to do, or deal with the pain that I’m in. Reiki can connect you more deeply with your higher power, whether that be Spirit, God, the Universe, or whichever faith or religion you relate to. This can bring comfort, peace of mind, and a sense of ease in your mind and spirit.

4. Reiki healing raises your vibration

Everyone and everything is made up of energy, and when in physical pain, our energy reserves are depleted. This affects our entire being, not just our physical body! When in pain, it can affect our sleep, and we end up not thinking clearly. We are less able to find solutions to our problems, and less tolerant of other people. Reiki helps to raise your vibration, charging your body up with Universal life force energy! After a Reiki healing, you’ll notice it can clear brain fog, promotes better quality sleep, and boosts your mood. When you are feeling clearer, often you’ll find other ways to reduce or heal your pain that you might not have noticed before.

5. Infrared crystal amethyst mat!

At Melbourne Reiki and Wellness, when you come in for a Reiki healing, you will lie down on our special infrared, crystal amethyst mat! This mat is infrared, which promotes physical healing. The mat is heated, which allows you to relax even more. Many clients often fall asleep on our infrared mat! In addition, amethyst crystals are a master healing stone. These AA grade amethyst crystals promote overall healing and wellbeing, they help to open up your third eye and intuition, as well as clear your mind and brain fog. Lying on this amazing mat, combined with the power of Reiki energy, will leave you feeling more relaxed, at peace, and in less physical pain than when you walked in.

Book in for Reiki today

If you are in physical pain, give Reiki healing a go! There is never any guarantee, however there are no contraindications and Reiki healing can be used as a complementary therapy to other modalities. 

If you have any questions about your pain and whether Reiki can help, you can contact us here. If you’d like to book in for a Reiki healing, or Reiki + Coaching session, you can do so here. We look forward to helping you reduce your physical pain, and start feeling better!

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