Detachment is something I have been learning in a big way this year! In yoga we call it ‘Aparigraha’, or non-attachment. Buddhism explains how our suffering is eased by non-attachment, and by the understanding that nothing is permanent, everything is always flowing. And in Reiki, we talk about allowing energy to flow through us and by releasing blockages, we can find balance and harmony once more.
A journey of letting go
I’ve been on a journey of letting go all year long. Letting go of old outdated beliefs, patterns, and behaviours. Letting go of material possessions, all of which hold energy and can bind us to people, situations and emotions. I’ve let go of people and relationships, of my visions that I had imagined for my business, and of course our little Caulfield clinic. I even let go of the gym I was going to on a daily basis! And I’ve been slowly letting go of control, although I have to admit, this is the hardest lesson to learn, and it’s an ongoing process.
Higher Self or Ego?
As humans, we have both our intuition/higher Self and our Ego. We can never get rid of either as they are part of what makes us human, but we can choose which one to listen to. At any moment in time, we can choose to put our Ego in the driver’s seat, and act, think, and speak from fear. Or we can choose to put our higher Self in the driver’s seat, and move through life from a place of love. It’s not always as easy as that of course, it takes practice and patience and a deep understanding of Self.
Coming from a place of love
We are often driven by our Ego in times of trauma, grief, loss, and in times when life throws us curve balls and challenges. We are often driven by Ego in times of fear, when we are faced with something that is emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually scary. However just because Ego is the automatic mode that humans have programmed into us to keep us safe (definitely necessary at times!), it doesn’t mean that we always have to allow that to be the case. We always have choice and free will, and we can always choose to come from a place of love. It’s definitely not easy, but it is always available to us.
The ironic thing is, in order to know something fully and deeply, we also must know the opposite. Just like we have night and day, the sun and moon, light and dark, in order to learn non-attachment, we also must know attachment. For most people this is not an issue, attachment is the go-to! Attachment to people, identity, jobs, relationships, houses, material possessions…they can give us a sense of grounding, stability, security, and feelings of safety. Of course there will come a time where in order to know non-attachment, we will need to let go of things. And in letting go, many emotions can surface. Once the dust has settled, we can then realise that in actual fact nothing is permanent, everything is always changing. Moreover, change is a positive thing, for it allows new, fresh energy to flow through!
Let the river flow
In a river, stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for dis-ease. There is a rule when camping to never drink stagnant water, only flowing water! When the river is flowing, it washes away the dirt, bugs, and other things, and brings in a steady flow of fresh, clean water which gives us lifeforce. It is the same with life. Allowing life to flow through you is a gift that you can give yourself. It often takes trusting in yourself, and your higher power or the Universe, surrendering, and being still, to really see clearly through the fog.
Meditation and Self-Reiki
Something that has really helped me this year is my daily meditation and self-Reiki practice. I’ve been spending a lot of time sitting in front of my altar with Spirit, and diving deep into my inner Self. It’s been challenging, illuminating, and amazing all at once. I’ve also been having regular Reiki healings to support myself through this journey, which has helped enormously!
Focus on what is going well
The other thing that has helped is to focus on all the amazing positive new things that are flowing into my life. What you focus on is what you get, to the exclusion of everything else. Anytime I feel down or sad, I try to refocus my mind onto all the things I feel grateful for, all the things that I currently have in my life that are going well, and all the new opportunities, people, and experiences that I know are coming my way!
Book in for a Reiki healing today!
If you are also going through a process of transformation, of letting go or any other big life challenge, Reiki + Coaching sessions and Reiki treatments can help. To book in for a Reiki healing, or a Reiki + Coaching session with me you can find out more information here. If you have any questions, you can contact me here. I look forward to seeing you for Reiki soon!