Don’t wait, life is short

By Casey Cheah, 26 April 2024

Don’t wait, life is short

Don’t wait, life is short

Don’t wait, life is short! It can be very easy to get caught up in the day to day, the miniature of life that we see and experience around us. It’s not often we stop and zoom out, and look at the bigger picture. 

10 year anniversary

On 26th April 2024 it was exactly 10 years since my mum passed. It feels a bit unbelievable that it’s been that long. I still remember the moment she passed over as if it was yesterday. I was holding her hand, sitting by her side. Words don’t encapsulate the gratitude I feel to have had that moment, and I feel so honoured to have been a witness to her soul’s onward journey.

What matters most

Life passes by very quickly. As humans, we get caught up in so much stuff that ultimately doesn’t matter. We can’t take our houses, cars, boats, and toys with us when we pass. What matters most is the relationships we’ve built, and the positive impact we’ve had on people and the planet. Being kind, compassionate, and open hearted. Being a good human, trying to make a positive difference to as many people as possible. Bringing laughter and joy, smiling at strangers, listening to people and spreading love. 

Reflection on life so far

Sometimes I think to myself, if I passed tomorrow, I would be very happy with how I lived my life. I do my best to contribute in a positive and meaningful way to society. I treat people with kindness and compassion, and take care of the environment. I’m here for my family, friends and clients. I love my work, it’s soul fulfilling to the absolute max. I’m divinely connected and have no fear around my soul’s next adventure. 

Nothing lasts forever

These are not morbid thoughts. It’s a deep understanding that nothing lasts forever. Nothing stays the same, everything is always changing. There is a Buddhist saying that no man steps in the same river twice. Having this as a deep knowing, and experiencing and witnessing death, ironically brings a lightness to life. There is no need to hold on so tightly. This just causes suffering. If we can let go and let God, life flows with more ease, just like the river.

Everything is always changing

This goes for material items, for relationships of all kinds, for jobs and businesses. It goes for emotions and thoughts, they too shall pass. It goes for our physical body. If we can accept that our body changes over time, and not hold onto an image we had of ourselves when we were younger, it becomes easier to love our bodies exactly as they are now. It’s our responsibility to look after our body the best we can, but at the end of our life, we shed our body as our soul continues on. 

We are human too, grief is normal

Of course, it’s easier said than done! We’re human after all. We make connections, we experience deep loving relationships, and when they inevitably end, we experience sadness and grief. That’s why I try not to take anything for granted. I’m grateful for every moment I have with the people I love. I’m grateful for every moment I have with myself on this beautiful planet. 

Opt for happiness

We can get caught up in the negativity we see and feel all around us every day. Or, we can ‘opt for happiness’! Whatever you focus on is what you see. You can decide to look for everything that is bad, wrong, or negative in the world, and guess what? That’s what you’ll see. Or, you can choose to consciously look for all that is positive, good and uplifting in the world. That way, you are training your brain and your mind to focus on everything that is positive around you.

Make moments count

Don’t wait, life is short. Don’t wait to tell your partner, friends or family that you love them. Don’t wait for ‘the perfect moment’, it doesn’t exist, that’s a story in your mind. Make the moment beautiful by sharing how you feel. Too often we hold back because we’re scared. Scared of being vulnerable, rejected, mocked, judged, ridiculed, or whatever. But at the end of the day, you always have a choice. You can live from fear and hold back. Or you can live from love, gratitude and joy. It doesn’t take much to put a smile on someone’s face. And when you bring joy to someone else’s life, you can be sure that joy will be returned to you ten-fold. 

Need support?

If you need support with your mindset, grief, emotions or anything else, I’m here for you! You can book in for a Reiki + Coaching session, a pure Reiki healing to shift your energy, or simply reach out and contact me here.

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