Energy healing to quieten your mind

By Casey Cheah, 12 March 2022

Energy healing to quieten your mind

Energy healing to quieten your mind

Many people struggle to quieten their mind. Overanalyzing thoughts and constant worry can lead to anxiety and stress. This then has a detrimental impact on quality of sleep, can cause headaches, reduce confidence, and increase self-doubt. In addition, anxiety and worry can also have a detrimental impact on our relationships, and our ability to connect deeply with others.

Sounds familiar?

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many of my clients often come to me having already tried medication, physiotherapy or osteopathy for physical tension, or psychology. All of these modalities can absolutely help, but if you are not noticing any changes, perhaps it’s time to try something different?

Energy healing for the entire being

Energy healing is a very relaxing, non-invasive way to treat your mind, body and soul together. It’s holistic, meaning it doesn’t target just one thing, but rather treats the entire being as a whole. In Reiki, we believe the being is made up of 4 aspects – the physical body, our emotions, our mind and our spirit.

Case Study – Louise

Recently I went for a walk with a friend, let’s call her Louise. Louise was telling me she had been seeing an osteopath for her tight shoulders and neck. She was experiencing bad headaches and aching across her upper back and neck. At first glance an osteo might be able to help Louise relieve the tension. But once we got deeper into the conversation, it was clear that her physical tension was due to high levels of mental stress and worry. This stress and worry of the mind was due to a high level of uncertainty and fear with an upcoming event.

Everything is interconnected

The body and mind are not separate, everything is interconnected. The thoughts you think have a direct impact on the feelings and emotions you experience. Your emotions and mood then impact your physical body, and your decisions. If you, like Louise, are worrying about a future event, overanalysing, and constantly thinking about the worst that can happen, this will impact your emotional state. When you are in a state of fear, worry, frustration or anger, this then manifests in your physical body in the form of an upset tummy, tension, headaches, and more. If we just try and ‘fix’ the physical aspect, we often miss the root cause of why you are experiencing these physical symptoms in the first place.

Reiki healing shifts your perspective

The beauty of Reiki healing is that it can not only help ease the physical tension, but also helps to regulate our emotions. After an energy healing, you might find that the way you respond to an event might change. Reiki can also help quieten mind so you can think more clearly, and perhaps shift your perspective. Reiki raises your vibration, and enables your mind, emotions and body to come back into balance. It helps to boost your mood and your energy too. After a Reiki treatment, many clients feel much more able to deal with the challenges that life throws at them.

Book in for a Reiki treatment today

If this sounds interesting and you are curious to give Reiki a go, find out more information here. You can book online for a Reiki energy healing session here. I look forward to seeing you soon!

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