Everything is a process

By Casey Cheah, 21 February 2020

Everything is a process

Everything is a process! I decided at the start of the year that I was going to do things that spark joy in my life. Dancing has always been such a big passion of mine, so I decided to dust off the cobwebs. After a couple of year off, I was excited to jump back in!

The first time is…hard!

I had my first session back a few weeks ago – just a reasonable 45-minute lesson working on basics. It felt really good to be back! But I also quickly realised that I had forgotten technique and steps, and my body was no longer working the way it used to. Once I got home I thought I would have a quick rest on the couch… 2.5 hours later I woke up! I had no idea how exhausting that lesson would be!

Everything is a process

It would have been really easy for me to give up after that first lesson. It was all too hard, I was never going to get back to where I used to be. I was getting older and my body was not working as well as it used to, etc. There are so many stories that I could have told myself that all would have been the start of a negative mental spiral. But in reflection, I remembered that everything is always a process. We never reach a target and stay there forever. Everything is always changing, depending on how much energy and time we put into it.

4 levels of conscious competence

Abraham Maslow, American psychologist, wrote about the 4 levels of conscious competence:

  • Unconscious incompetence (we don’t know what we don’t know, and unaware of the gap)
  • Conscious incompetence (we become aware of what we don’t know!)
  • Conscious competence (after practice, we slowly acquire this skill but it takes mental effort)
  • Unconscious competence (the skill is so practiced that it now becomes second nature and requires far less mental effort)

Keep remembering – everything is a process!

Before I went back to dancing, I was blissfully unaware of how my body would respond when I went back, as I really only remembered the enjoyment that dancing gave me. Once I started my first lesson, I suddenly became very much aware of how much I had forgotten and still didn’t know. That’s when the challenge started! Now after a few lessons back, I’m starting to regain some competence, my body is responding and I’m slowly remembering technique and steps, although it takes a lot of mental concentration. Unconscious competence is definitely still awhile away – but that’s okay, because I know that everything is a process.

Everything is a process, remember?

When we land into conscious incompetence, this is often when self-judgement might start to creep in. Remembering that everything is a process, and that everything is always changing moment to moment, can help refocus your mind into a more positive state.

Reiki can help

If at times you notice yourself sliding into a negative mental spiral, and you’re finding that the negative self-talk is overwhelming, it might be time for a Reiki healing. Reiki can help you to refocus your mind, soothe your nervous system and de-stress your body. Reiki reminds us that everything is always changing, always flowing. The more we can practice kindness and compassion towards ourselves, the easier life will be.

Refocus your mind

Since my first dance lesson, I keep reminding myself of this all the time. Instead of focusing on how hard the steps are, I remember how good it feels to move to the music, to find connection in the dance, and to be living fully in the moment. It doesn’t matter if I’m feeling a little rusty, or I don’t have the right shoes. I’m choosing to focus on the things that spark joy. And if I notice myself sliding into self-doubt, I just remember that everything is a process.

Book in for a Reiki healing

If you feel in need of a Reiki healing or a coaching session to help refocus your mind, book in here.

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