Feeling Stuck
Feeling stuck is a common feeling with my clients lately. Sometimes ‘feeling stuck’ can look like knowing what you want to do, but not knowing how to get there or make it happen. Other times, it can present as no idea about what you want to do, or lacking in purpose or direction. Either way, feeling stuck can cause a ripple of emotions, such as frustration and anger, grief or sadness, or even just nothing at all, a feeling of apathy.
Case Study 1 – Tom
One client (let’s call him Tom), came to see me recently feeling stuck in his job. Tom felt frustrated, unfulfilled, and bored. He had a passion for something entirely different, but saw no way of making it happen. Even if he did make it happen, he couldn’t see a way for it to financially support him.
Case Study 2 – Gerry
Another client (let’s call him Gerry), also felt stuck. In his case, Gerry had no idea what he wanted to do. All he knew what that he hated his current job. He didn’t get along with his boss or colleagues, the work itself was exhausting and stressful, and he was working crazy long hours. However, when asked in an ideal world what he would like to do, Gerry didn’t know. He didn’t have any passions or hobbies outside of work, as he had no time to do anything other than his job. He had responsibilities, and so didn’t feel like he could leave his work to ‘figure it out’, as he was the breadwinner for his wife and kids.
Struggle town
Sound familiar? In both cases, emotions of boredom, frustration, resentment, confusion, stress and fatigue were present. Relationships were struggling, family life was no fun, and neither was very happy with their life at this point.
Victim mentality
This is where both Reiki healing and mindset coaching can help. Through mindset coaching, we work through limiting beliefs underlying why people feel stuck. Often when feeling stuck, people find themselves at the mercy of their outer world. They become a victim of their external circumstances. How they feel and what they think is dependent on someone or something outside of their control changing, saying, or doing something differently.
Standing in your power
A more powerful state to be is in a position of self-power, the opposite of victim mentality. When standing in your power, you can recognize that you have the ability to change your mind and shift your perspective. You can unlimited potential to make anything happen, but first you must actually believe it is possible.
Reiki treatment and coaching can help
During a Reiki and coaching session, we start with coaching, and then move into a full-body Reiki energy healing. Reiki is Japanese for universal life-force energy. Everything is energy, and once you are in energetic alignment, you will have more access to your intuition and higher power. Reiki has the ability to help clear your mind so you can see more clearly what is possible. After Reiki, magic can happen! Opportunities can arise seemingly out of the blue. You might find that you all of a sudden figure out what you would like to do, or work out how to do the seemingly impossible.
Open mind, greater possibilities
Once your mind is clear of limiting beliefs, and your energy is back in alignment once more, possibilities will present themselves. All you need to do is be aware of them, as they may look different to what you had originally wanted or expected.
Tom’s result
After a Reiki & coaching session, Tom texted me out of the blue. A random job opportunity had become available! It was a rare job, in the field that he had always dreamed about but couldn’t work out how to make it happen. He resigned from his current job straight away, and now he is super happy doing something that is fulfilling and energizing every day.
Gerry’s result
Gerry, on the other hand, finally realised that his work was completely unsustainable. After some Reiki treatments and coaching sessions, he realised he was prioritizing his work well ahead of his family, his kids, and his health. He decided to take a 3-month sabbatical from his job, and dedicate his time to recovering from the stress and burnout he was enduring to ‘keep the family going’.
Through his time off, Gerry’s perspective shifted. His energy changed, he became happier, more relaxed, and more present with his family. He was surprised how much happier his wife and kids were with his change, and he felt much more supported in figuring out what he wanted to do going forward. After some time in his more relaxed state, his mind started to open up to new possibilities, and he has now started his own business online. It’s booming and he is amazed at what he never thought he could do.
Reiki energy healing Melbourne
If you would like to find out more about Coaching and how it can help, click here. To find out more about my combined Reiki energy healing and coaching sessions, click here. If you have any questions, please contact me here.