Find peace with where you are, right now in this present moment! So often I hear my clients say ‘I wish I was further along my path’, or ‘I would be closer to a 10/10 if I had x, y, or z’. More money, a loving relationship, career success, or being more connected to my intuition or higher Self. The thing is, you can be completely and utterly at peace and content with where you are at right now, AND still strive to achieve your goals and desires at the same time!
Emotions are Energy-In-Motion
Being at peace with your Self, is the ultimate challenge of being human. The very nature of being human means we have both a higher mind (intuition, higher Self, or connection with soul), AND a lower mind (ego, monkey mind, inner critic). You can read more about this in my last blog here. The funny thing is, it’s not achieving our goals or outcomes that brings us peace. It might bring us a feeling of happiness, joy, a sense of achievement, or an emotional high! But it is a passing moment, and a passing emotion, something that is not permanent. Emotions are energy-in-motion, and they are meant to flow and change and transform, that is their very nature.
Inner happiness vs inner peace
Often people are searching for inner happiness. However happiness is like sadness, it is just a fluctuating emotion or feeling. Inner peace however, is a vibrational state of being that can be found no matter the circumstance. Peace has its roots in acceptance, unconditional love, and non-attachment.
Emotions stem from thoughts
Even though emotions flow and fluctuate, we have more control over our feelings than what we often realise. Our emotions mostly stem from our thoughts. If we change the way we think, we can change the way we feel. Our feelings then ripple on to affect our physical body and behaviours. Sometimes our emotions are affected by a spiritual affliction, rather than your specific thought patterns. This is where both mindset coaching and Reiki healing both play a big part.
Let go and forgive
If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, guilty, resentful, or anything else, both mindset coaching and Reiki can help. Coaching can help you shift your thought patterns, release limiting beliefs, and let go of past grudges and resentment. It can help you access forgiveness, and therefore freedom, which then gives you peace. Reiki healing helps boost your energy and mood, and also releases energetic and emotional blockages. If your body is storing emotions from past hurts, traumas, or significant experiences, you’ll find yourself being triggered left and right. The more you can release and let go, the less triggered you’ll feel and the more peace you will have in mind, body and soul.
Find peace with where you are
Emotions are not good or bad, they simply give us insight into our triggers, thought patterns, and limiting mental constructs. Our job is to release as many emotional hooks and blocks as we can throughout our lifetime. That way we will have more access to inner peace and unconditional love. For me, that is the ultimate definition of success, and the key to finding peace in the present moment.
Need support? Book in for a Reiki healing
If you need help with this process of letting go and finding inner peace, book in for a Reiki healing, or Reiki and Coaching session today! We are open 7 days/week. If you have any questions, please contact me here.