Just for today, let go of worry

By Casey Cheah, 23 June 2022

Just for today, let go of worry

Just for today, let go of worry. The first of the Reiki Principles, this is a powerful intention and statement to keep reminding ourselves!

Projecting fear into the future

When we worry, we’re not living fully in the present moment. Worry stems from fear, and we tend to project that fear into the future. Worrying about things that may or may not happen drains our life force energy.

Consistent worry lowers our immunity

Most of us worry here and there about particular things. However when worry is persistent and consistent, this can have a detrimental impact on our mind, body and spirit. Worry causes stress, tension and anxiety, which lowers our immune system, and we become more susceptible to illness and dis-ease.

Worry is a low vibrational frequency

If we are stuck in a cycle of worry, it also lowers our energetic vibration. Whatever frequency we vibrate at, is what we are projecting out into the world around us, and is what we will attract back. We are always seeing a reflection of ourselves in life around us! If we are constantly worrying and in fear mode, we will start to see that being projected back at us. Perhaps your friends also tend to worry a lot. Or perhaps your fears are coming true, and things that you spend so much time worrying over are starting to manifest into your reality.

Just for today, let go of worry

One way we can let go of worry is by focusing on our breath, and breathing deeply into our belly (hara). By placing one hand on our heart and the other hand on our belly, it’s a gentle reminder to bring us back into the present. By feeling our body literally breath in and out, we can start to consciously let go of worry and fear, and remind ouselves that we are here.

Self regulation and reframing our thoughts

Whatever we resist persists, so being able to self-regulate our thoughts, and reframe our attention is a great skill to learn. Knowing that we are not our thoughts, but rather that we have thoughts, is important! We can observe our thoughts, and therefore we have the power to change our thoughts. Whenever you notice yourself in a downward worry spiral, take a moment to pause. Take a few deep breaths. Then refocus your mind on something more positive or helpful in that moment.

Tools to help mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness, meditation, yoga or breathwork, are all great tools in learning how to self-regulate our thoughts and reframe our attention. These are not easy skills to learn and they take practice! However, they are learnable skills, and the more we practice them, the easier it gets. If this is something that you struggle with, I would highly recommend seeing a coach, or signing up to a yoga or meditation class to help you practice this skill.

Reiki energy healing can help!

Reiki healing can also help tremendously! Having regular Reiki healings helps to clear our mind, relieve tension, and rebalance our energy system. Fear and worry deplete our energy stores, and when we are depleted, it can be more difficult to practice mindfulness and self regulation. When we are feeling energised and in harmony, we are in a much better place to practice these cognitive skills. When the time comes and we find ourselves in a challenging moment, the skills we have practiced will flow more easily.

Reiki healing and Coaching

Find out more about Reiki and book in for a Reiki healing, click here. To find out more about Coaching and how it can help you reframe your thoughts, click here. To contact me if you have any questions on letting go of worry, self regulation or mindfulness, click here.

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