Know your weaknesses, build awareness

By Casey Cheah, 1 February 2024

Know your weaknesses, build awareness

Know your weaknesses, build awareness

Knowing your weaknesses allows you to build awareness. It doesn’t sound like much fun, to be aware of your weaknesses, does it! But the truth is, the more aware you are of your downfalls, the better decisions you can make. Increased awareness allows you to more deeply understand yourself. This in turn leads to more compassion and tolerance, both of yourself and others too. Imagine if everyone was more compassionate and tolerant of themselves and the people around them? The world would be a very different place.

Perfection doesn’t exist

No-one is perfect, because perfection doesn’t exist. Perfection is like the horizon, it is an unreachable goal that we create in our own minds. Dad and I have philosophical conversations all the time, and he often says ‘everyone has a cross to bear’. Another way of putting it is that everyone has a mountain to climb, a challenge to overcome. He also says that if God/Life gives you 7 things, 5 might be positive but 2 will be negative. It’s our job to try and overcome them on our life’s journey. Understanding that no-one is perfect, and everyone has a challenge to overcome reminds us that we’re all in it together. No-one is better or worse, we are all human. It can be easy to forget sometimes, especially in a world of social media, marketing, comparison and judgement. In our society, it’s more common to put on a mask, put up walls, and never reveal how we’re really feeling. 

Acknowledging my own weaknesses

I have done lots of work to understand my own personal weaknesses, and it’s a constant lesson! It’s not easy, but it is vital if we are to grow, learn and evolve. This understanding of my own weaknesses also keeps me humble, more consciously aware, and enables me to make better decisions. I’m also far more tolerant of other people. This allows me to let go of judgement and stay in a space of acceptance. Who am I to judge, when I’m not perfect either?

My personal struggles

One of my biggest weaknesses is that I get so passionate and enthusiastic and excited about so many things in life, that I end up doing way too much. I then proceed to crash and burn. When that inevitably happens, I get so upset, because I’m then forced to rest. There’s usually an injury, illness, total exhaustion, or all of the above! This has happened way too many times that it’s a little embarrassing in all honesty! People who have known me for a long time, also know this about me. As much as I try to change, without constant vigilance and awareness of myself, it’s a very slippery slope for me to end up back in burnout from overdoing it again.

Know your weaknesses and build awareness of where they come from

If the first step is knowing your weaknesses, the second step is understanding where they come from. For example, being a fiery Sagittarius (sun, moon, and Aries rising, all fire energy!), this brings with it a highly passionate energy and positive outlook in life! Sagittarians are also known as thrill seekers, curious about the world and constantly learning. These are wonderful qualities, but they do come with a down side too (shiny thing syndrome, over the top excitement, and what I call ‘foot in mouth’ syndrome. Blurting out words in the heat of the moment without necessarily thinking things through first!). 

Making better decisions

I know I have a tendency to overdo things, so I’ve made some changes to counteract them. First and foremost is to prioritise rest and self care. I take days off, I ask for help when needed, and I schedule in my own Reiki healing sessions. My morning routine is non-negotiable. I get up early, meditate, self-Reiki, and do a Tarot reading to get a gist of the energy for the day. This grounds and centres me, and keeps my energy channels clear.

Life challenges 

Our mountains to climb might also come from life. This could be a physical injury or illness, family challenges, relationship struggles, career or money blocks, childhood trauma, and more. Life will always throw us curve balls, especially when we least expect it. The hardest part is managing our own internal mindset. That’s why doing the inner work and understanding your negative tendencies can help you in times of struggle. 

Reiki healing and mindset coaching

Something that has helped me enormously is Reiki healing treatments and mindset coaching. If you come and see me for a Reiki + Coaching session, we will talk through any life challenges you might be facing. We will unpack your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can understand yourself on a deeper level. Then you’ll receive a full Reiki healing to cleanse the emotions and energy from your body. Reiki healing sessions are a wonderful way to keep your mind calm and clear, and relax your nervous system. You’ll walk out feeling lighter, more grounded, and with a clearer direction in your mind.

Book in for a Reiki + Coaching session

Ready to book in for a Reiki + Coaching session or Reiki healing? You can read more and book in here. If you have any questions, contact me here. I look forward to seeing you soon!

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