Life is a mirror

By Casey Cheah, 9 May 2019

Life is a mirror

In yoga I often talk about how our life is a mirror. Our outer world is a reflection of the state of our inner self. The experiences we have, the people we attract, even our physical body, all reflect the state of our mind and our inner self. We can almost imagine our outer world mirroring back to us our inner most feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Life is a mirror

A few months ago I was working through some serious back and psoas pain. In fact my hips and glutes were so jammed up that even bending over to pick up the shampoo bottle in the shower was painful! The pain felt like it moved from my lower back, to hip flexors and psoas, and glutes. When I started seeing my osteopath, things didn’t immediately improve, in fact they almost got worse. It was very strange as I maintained movement but the pain was quite bad. I couldn’t work out exactly ‘how’ I had ‘done my back’. I was going to the gym and lifting weights, but there was not really a set point in time that I could pinpoint as the reason behind the injury.

During one particularly intense session with the osteopath I noticed a deep sensation of emotion while he was working on my psoas muscles. After the session as I walked out to my car, I suddenly felt completely exhausted. I couldn’t move, it took a mammoth effort to walk the 10 metres to my car. As I sat in my car, absolutely wrecked, the floodgates opened. I cried so much that I couldn’t see through the tears for around 20-30 minutes.

When something is not working ‘out there’, go within

I felt almost silly, as I realised that of course the pain was emotional and energetic. Life is a mirror and my body was reflecting my internal state back at me. I talk about this in my yoga classes all the time. I talk about it with my Reiki clients too! But for some reason it escaped my mind when working with my own body. Until that moment I had only vaguely been aware in the back of my mind that this pain was emotional. In yoga, we recognise that fear, anger, grief and other emotions that often lock up in our hips if we haven’t been able to process them. The last few months I had been going through an intense time emotionally. The break up of my relationship, moving house, grief from my cousin passing away suddenly, and with all of that, an entire gamut of emotions.

Suddenly everything made sense. I had a huge shift in my perspective and my back and psoas started to improve significantly. I started being more compassionate to myself, showing myself kindness and love. As my mindset and emotional state started to improve, my physical body also got better. Now, I am feeling stronger, more connected with myself, and much more calm that I have in a long time. As my body and mind continue to improve, I am happy to stand back and watch life unfold magically before me. I really feel that this is my time; I am open, and ready for the next step. And I’m excited to see what unfolds!

Everything is always connected

Our outer world always reflects back to us what is happening in our mind and our emotions. So when things aren’t going the way you imagined or want them to, perhaps its time to take some time out, to reflect, to check in with yourself, and perhaps peel back some emotional layers to understand what is really going on. Reiki and yoga really helped me to do this myself, and I absolutely encourage you to find tools that work for you to help you live your best life.

If you would like to book in for a yoga class click here, or to book a Reiki healing, click here.

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