New Year intentions

By Casey Cheah, 8 January 2023

New Year intentions

New Year intentions are something that I love to do at the start of every year, and 2023 is no different. Intentions (known as Sankalpa in Sanskrit) can help you clear your mind so you can focus your energy, thoughts, and actions on what it is that you truly desire for the year ahead. San means ‘to become one with’, and kalpa means time & subconscious mind. Setting your Sankalpa, or intention gives not only you, but also the Universe, specific direction. It also allows you to connect with your heart’s deepest desires, and bring those desires from the subconscious to a conscious level so you can manifest them in an intentional way.

Here is a step-by-step process that I like to follow when setting my new years intentions.

1. Create a quiet space

Start by creating some time in your schedule where you won’t be disturbed. Buy a journal, light a candle, and put on some relaxing music if you like. This time is for you to go inwards, ask yourself some important questions, and get really honest with yourself.

2. Reflect on the year before, and give thanks.

Start by reflecting on the previous year. What are you proud of? Acknowledge the challenges you faced, and write down how you overcame them. What were the lessons from the previous year? And what are you most grateful for? Write these questions in your journal and take your time to reflect and answer them honestly. Remember, no-one else will read your journal other than you, so give yourself permission to write freely.

3. Wheel of Life for 2023

The Wheel of Life is a great way to visually see your life on a page. Start by drawing a large circle, and cut it into 6 or 8 ‘pizza slices’. Then write in each pizza slice the things that are the most important to you, or that you spend the most amount of time on during the week. Some examples could include: work, finances, health, fitness, relationship, friends/family, hobbies, faith/spirituality, your home, self care, side hustle, or anything else that resonates with you.

4. Priorities & Values

Once you have drawn up your Wheel of Life, and filled in each pizza slice, go ahead and number each pizza slice from 1 to 6 (or 1 to 8) in level of importance to you. A good question to ask to help you work out your numbers, is: ‘if I didn’t have this thing, how much would it impact my life, and how would I feel about that?’ Remember there is no right or wrong, and you might find that you make adjustments and change your mind as we go through this process. That is perfectly ok!

5. Pick top 3 and write your 2023 intention statement

Notice your top 3 priorities/values from your Wheel of Life. From those top 3, write a couple of sentences that reflect your 2023 intention. For example, if your top 3 priorities/values are family, work, and health, your 2023 intention statement might be something like:

‘My personal 2023 intention is to put my family first, continue working in a job I love and care deeply about, and to improve my health by creating non-negotiable time each week for exercise.’ 

6. Word for 2023

From your 2023 intention or Sankalpa, you might like to pick one word that sums it up! A word that you can remember easily, that will anchor you to your intention, and remind you of what you most value. For example, from the above 2023 intention, the word you might pick is ‘PRIORITIES’ as a reminder that you are choosing to prioritise family, then job, then health. Pick a word that really resonates with you, that feels good to say, and really embodies what your Sankalpa is for the year ahead.

7. Put it somewhere visible!

Lastly, you might like to write your word, or even your full 2023 statement, and put it up somewhere where you will see it clearly each day! This might be on your fridge, your bathroom mirror, your bedroom wall, or in your car on the dashboard. This work will help keep you focused, and help you make decisions throughout the year ahead.

Need help? Book in for Reiki!

Let me know how you go with this process! If you need help setting your intention, book in for a Coaching session here. If you have done this process and are clear on your intention, you might like to book in for a Reiki healing to supercharge your Sankalpa! You could even bring in your intention or word to your Reiki healing, and ask your practitioner to Reiki this for you. I find this works extremely well, and gives it that boost of energy you need! If you have any questions about this process, please contact me here.

Wishing you many blessings for the year ahead, and may this year bring you everything your heart desires!

Casey x

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