Reiki for mental health

By Casey Cheah, 8 September 2022

Reiki for mental health

Reiki for mental health

When we hear the term ‘mental health’, we often think straight away of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, OCD, and others. However, the term ‘mental health’ actually refers to our overall mental wellbeing. This refers to not just how well we can cope with the stresses of everyday life, but also understanding how we can be in our healthiest, strongest, and most positive mindset.

Mental wellness

Instead of ‘mental health’ perhaps we could use the term ‘mental wellbeing’. Mental wellbeing refers to our mindset, and how well we deal with stress and overwhelm. It also refers to our intellect, creativity, memory, cognition, social relationships and having a positive mindset. Ideally, our mental wellbeing is not just the absence of a mental health condition (such as anxiety or depression), but mentally thriving in a positive and healthy way.

Thriving vs surviving

Many people simply just ‘get through the day’. They come home from work tired and drained, and don’t have much capacity to listen to others. If we are depleted in energy, our mental state is also going to suffer. However, if we can thrive on a daily basis, we will have much more mental energy to expend on things that really matter to us, like our family, friends, hobbies, work, and more.

Improving mental wellbeing

Just like improving physical health, there are many factors involved in increasing mental energy and wellbeing. The basics such as eating nourishing food, avoiding stimulants and depressants (such as coffee, sugar, and alcohol), and getting enough sleep all contribute greatly to improved mental wellbeing. Using both sides of our brain (both the logical and rational, as well as creativity and imagination) also help to balance our mind. For example, if you work in a highly logical or left-brain job such as accounting or engineering, it would be a good idea to have a hobby such as dancing or painting that works the left-brain. If you are in a more creative job such as design or marketing, perhaps a hobby that involves more right-brain activity such as weightlifting or sudoku would help to ground you and balance out both sides of the brain.

Let’s talk about stress

There are two elements to stress. The first is the stressor, and the second is the stress response. The stressor could be either external (like a work deadline or an annoying family member), or internal (worries in your mind or an injury like a broken arm). The stress response is your physiological response to the stressor. When you experience something, if your mind or body perceives you to be in danger or under threat, your sympathetic nervous system switches on. You then receive a flood of stress hormones through your mind and body. This causes you to go into fight/flight/freeze response, and then you act accordingly, in order to deal with the stressor.

Chronic stress is highly detrimental to mental wellbeing

Stress is not necessarily bad, it can in fact help us in many ways. However, it can be detrimental if we remain in stress response for an extended period of time. Our nervous system then gets used to being turned on, and can forget how to turn off. This in turn impacts not just our physical health, but our mental wellbeing too. When we are stressed, we become more forgetful, we have less capacity for empathy and care for others, and we have limited ability to think outside the box. Extended and chronic stress can also induce mental health conditions, such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, overwhelm, hyperactivity, OCD, repressed emotions, and more.

Reiki for mental health

Reiki healing can significantly help improve your mental wellbeing! Reiki healing is calming and de-stressing for the nervous system. It can switch off your sympathetic nervous system and put you back into your rest and relax state (parasympathetic nervous system). Reiki healing can reduce physical tension (which can contribute to decreased mental energy), and allow your mind to finally rest. Reiki lifts the pressure off so that you can finally replenish your vital energy, leading to improved mental wellbeing.

Energy can affect mental health

Reiki healing is a spiritual practice too. Sometimes if our mental health is affected, it can be attributed to spiritual or energetic causes. If you are spending lots of time around low vibrational people for example, their energy can affect yours, and have a detrimental impact on your mental wellbeing. Other times, spirits or energies can impact your mental wellbeing (otherwise known as psychic attacks or negative entity attachments). All these things can be cleared with a good Reiki healer who understands these elements.

Book in for a Reiki healing in Melbourne today!

I would encourage you to take a moment, and ask yourself how your mental wellbeing is? Do you feel strong, positive and healthy in your mind? Are you stressed, overwhelmed, or suffer from mental health conditions, such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression or others? If so, I would encourage you to book in for a Reiki healing and/or Coaching session! Reiki can help increase your mental energy, and Coaching can help you get to the root cause of why you’re feeling the way you are. To find out more about Reiki + Coaching, click here. To find out more about Reiki healing, click here. I look forward to seeing you soon!

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