Reiki reveals what you need
Reiki reveals what you need most! Yes, a Reiki treatment can be deeply relaxing, grounding, and can improve your mood. But it also reveals what your mind, body, and energy needs most! And sometimes, it’s not what you think.
Reiki works holistically
Reiki energy always goes to where it’s needed the most. It works holistically, meaning it treats you on every level, and layer of your being, all at once. Often clients will come in wanting help and support in one area of their life. However, they will find that Reiki will improve their wellbeing and life overall, rather than just one aspect. Reiki energy clears away the energetic debris that you have picked up from other people, situations and places, or that has come to the surface through other healings you may have done. After a Reiki treatment, you will often feel so much lighter and more like yourself again!
Reiki reveals all sorts of things
While Reiki is often deeply relaxing and restorative, sometimes during or after a Reiki healing, a client will feel very dehydrated. This is not Reiki making you dehydrated! This is Reiki revealing that YOU are already dehydrated. Energy travels through water, so if you are dehydrated, you might find that it takes longer to integrate after a Reiki healing. It’s always best to keep up hydration anyway, but especially pre and post Reiki sessions. Other times, Reiki will reveal memories, shadow thoughts, or subconscious beliefs. Along with those thoughts, often emotions will bubble to the surface. It’s not uncommon for clients to cry, laugh, or feel agitated and angry during or after a Reiki healing.
Opening energy channels
Reiki also opens up your energy channels. As a Reiki practitioner, Reiki energy flows through me like a channel to the client. Both the healer and client’s energy channels are opened up. This can often cause burping, farting, stomach rumbling, a need to take deep breaths, or a feeling of not being able to breath. This is all very normal and natural, and a sign that Reiki is moving and shifting energy in the client. I often feel this in my own body too. During a Reiki treatment, my own body is picking up on the subtleties of the client’s energy and energy field, as well as their emotions, thoughts, physical body, and spirit. This is why I practice self-Reiki in the morning and evening, to ensure my own energy channels are clear of other people’s energy.
Picking up on other people’s energy
When I practice self-Reiki, sometimes I will pick up on the fact I’m carrying energy from someone else. It could be from a client, a friend or family member, or an unknown person. Reiki-ing myself allows me to clear that other energy away, so I am fully standing in my own energy and power. This allows me to be fully present with my clients, and open up a clear channel for Reiki to flow through me to them. I don’t use my own energy, however I do open up my own energy channels for Reiki to flow during each Reiki session. I also fill up my Reiki room and space with Reiki and high vibrational divine energy to ensure it is a safe and positive space for clients.
Releasing stored emotions
It is not unusual for clients to sit down in my Reiki room and start crying, or immediately start unloading their heartbreaks, traumas, feelings and thoughts. This is perfect! That is exactly what the space is for, and that is exactly what Reiki does. It helps unblock and release stored emotions and energetic blockages. Reiki is already working even before a client arrives in the room, and Reiki continues to process and integrate for days after a Reiki healing treatment.
Book in for a Reiki Healing today!
If you are curious as to what Reiki might reveal in you, book in for a Reiki healing or Reiki + Coaching session! Know that you are always supported and always safe. If you have questions after a Reiki healing, you can always contact me via email too. Reiki can be deeply relaxing but it can also be intense at times too. Know that you are never alone on your healing journey. Reiki is unconditional love, and it always has your back too. To book in for a Reiki healing session, click here. If you’d like to learn more about how Reiki works, check out our upcoming Reiki Courses here! They are open to all. I look forward to supporting you on your healing journey!