Reiki to find inner peace

By Casey Cheah, 20 November 2019

Reiki to find inner peace

Reiki can help you to find inner peace. Many of my Reiki clients who come to see me are struggling with some sort of inner conflict. Their mind thinks one thing, but their body feels another. These conflicting thought patterns then result in confusion, frustration, resentment, guilt and a whole host of other stressful emotions.

Making peace with ourselves

When we make peace with ourselves we lose the desperation, the forcing, the craving, the shame and the guilt. We lose the ‘why me’, or the ‘why not me’. If we can fully accept ourselves each and every day exactly as we are, that’s when things start to shift and flow. We can start attracting and drawing the things we want and desire into our experience. But this won’t happen until we release the tight grip we have on our expectations and love ourselves first.

Are you in alignment with your inner Self?

When we’re in flow, life feels great! We’re inspired, energised and motivated, and aligned with our inner Self. We can easily draw our desires into our reality. But when life feels like a struggle, chances are we are out of alignment. Things are a lot harder than usual. We experience a roller-coaster of emotions and our direction is unclear. We push and struggle but don’t getting anywhere fast. However if we can let go and instead put it out there to the Universe, things have a way of coming back into balance.

Reiki to find inner peace

I know how it feels to be out of alignment. I spent a couple of years struggling and trying and pushing and getting nowhere. Exhaustion, frustration, and emotions, thoughts and feelings manifested into physical pain in my body. I didn’t feel like myself, and didn’t know how to pull myself out of the downward spiral.

Then I discovered Reiki. I’ve had many energy healings before, but at that time Reiki called my name and I’m so grateful that I listened to my intuition. Reiki helped me enormously! It brought me back into balance, and gave me the energetic and emotional relief that I needed to relax and let go. Reiki helped me find my centre, brought me back in alignment with my true Self, and helped to clear my mind. I finally felt at peace with myself. Once I started feeling better in my mind and my emotions, my body started to rebalance and the physical pain started to release and let go too.

Reiki helps us listen in

I know how easy it can be to ignore the physical and emotional warning signs that we are out of balance. We are told to push through pain, and to keep our chin up. But really, our body is always talking and communicating to us. Through Reiki we can start to listen more carefully to what our body is saying, and understand what it is that we need to do. Taking care of ourselves is the most important thing. Without our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health, it is difficult to experience the joy and pleasure life has to offer.

Need help to find inner peace? Book Reiki here

If you are struggling and feel out of alignment, I can understand as I’ve been there before. If you haven’t tried Reiki before, I can highly recommend it as it helped me enormously. To book in for a Reiki healing, please click here.

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