First, we will connect via teleconference so you can meet Casey face to face online. Casey will check in with you, and find out if there is anything you would like her to focus on in your session.
Then, you will experience a beautiful distant Reiki healing. We will disconnect the video, and you can down comfortably on your couch or bed. You will have the opportunity to fully relax while Reiki energy is channelled to you via Distant Reiki healing.
Afterwards, you will reconnect online to discuss how you felt during the distant Reiki treatment. Your Reiki therapist will give you guidance on how to continue your healing journey from here.
To prepare for your distant Reiki healing session, you will need a comfortable place to lie down, and a space where you can talk freely. To make the most of distant Reiki, make sure you won’t be interrupted by other family members, or your pets! It can also be helpful to have time to rest and reflect after your Reiki distant healing session too.
Distant Reiki treatments are perfect if you live far away, if you’re sick or injured, or if you cannot travel. They are also great if you are in quarantine! Some people prefer Distant Reiki healing sessions as they may be more convenient, and you can rest easily without battling traffic after your session.
Distance Reiki sessions are via virtual teleconference. If this is not possible, we can also hold Distant Reiki Healing sessions over the phone.
Everything is energy, and energy is not bound by time or space. Practitioners do not need to be physically touching a client in order to connect with them, and energy can be channelled to anyone, anywhere. Reiki healers can connect with their clients through intention, through sacred symbols and through Reiki energy itself. Distant Reiki works the same as Reiki In-Person, and clients may still feel the same heat, tingles, pulses of energy, and other sensations.
Yes! It can be difficult to understand how Distant Reiki really works, as energy is not tangible and cannot be seen. However, once you experience the benefits and magic of Distant Reiki, you will find that physical sensations can indeed be felt in a Distant Reiki healing. Clients report feeling tingling sensations, heat, twitches, stomach rumbling, and feelings of energy moving. After a Distant Reiki treatment, clients have felt more calm and at ease, with a clearer mind, more energy, and better quality sleep.
Book in for a Distant Reiki healing session here , or contact us here if you have any questions.
Please see below for all prices and packages for Reiki Healing – Distant sessions (both Standard 60 minutes, and Express 45 minutes).
Initial 60 minute session PLUS 2x 60 minute follow up sessions.
(6 month expiry)
(60 minutes)
New to Melbourne Reiki & Wellness? Start here.
(60 minutes)
Single follow up.
3x 60 minute follow ups.
(6 month expiry)
5x 60 minute follow ups.
(6 month expiry)
Initial 60 minute session PLUS 2x 45 minute follow up sessions.
(6 month expiry)
(60 minutes)
Perfect for first timers who want to try pure Reiki.
(45 minutes)
Single follow up.
3x 45 minute follow ups.
(6 month expiry)
5x 45 minute follow ups.
(6 month expiry)