Sound healing and Reiki is one magical combination! Sound healing and Reiki are both forms of energetic transformation, and work on the very essence of who we are – energy.
What is Sound healing?
Sound vibrational healing works on specific frequencies to shift and transform our very being. We are all made up of energy and are constantly vibrating at various levels. Sometimes we get pulled out of alignment through stress, outside forces, the weather, other people, and even our own internal thoughts and emotions. Sound healing can tap into our vibration and help us come back to our natural state once more.
What is Reiki healing?
Reiki is life force energy, and Reiki healers can channel this energy through their hands to a client. At times we can all get depleted, and our energetic body can become stagnant or sluggish. Other times, our energy body is in a supercharged hyperactive state, meaning our body is in overdrive. If we get stuck in this state for too long, it can lead to burnout, as well as manifest into a range of other mental and physical illnesses. Sometimes if we have been in a state of constant stress, anxiety, confusion, grief, or have been in traumatic situations, our energy body can truly become chaotic. Reiki healing brings our energy back into balance so we can function in a harmonious way again.
What should I expect during a Sound healing?
In a typical sound healing workshop or 1:1 treatment, you would lie down on a yoga mat or mattress, with an eye mask over your eyes and a blanket to stay warm. The sound healer would then use a range of instruments such as gongs, chimes, and Tibetan or crystal singing bowls, to provide a live soundscape for you to relax and meditate to. These sounds produce a vibration that taps into the body’s natural vibrations and allows you to experience a profound state of deep relaxation. In this state, your body can come back to balance and heal.
How does Sound and Reiki healing work together?
Combining Reiki with Sound healing will amplify the effects of this deep energetic healing experience! In a workshop setting, the Reiki Master healer will channel Reiki energy through their hands and body to the group. This could be to the individual participants separately, OR to the group as a whole using Distant Reiki. Both ways are powerful, it will depend on the group dynamics and energy on the day. Reiki also works through intention, and when the Reiki healer channels energy, they are doing so by holding their intention and focus directly on the recipient/s in a meditative-like state.
What can I expect after a Sound and Reiki healing?
Reiki healing treatments usually take 2-3 days to fully process, and can even take up to a week! Sound healing treatments are the same. In a combined Reiki and Sound healing, please allow at least a couple of days and up to a week for your body to integrate and process the effects of the workshop. This might mean that you feel a little tired or emotional in the following couple of days. On the flip side, you might feel like you have buckets of energy! Everyone is different, and the way your body processes energy will depend on where you are energetically and emotionally on the day. Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after to assist your body to integrate!
Book in for ‘Raise Your Vibration’ Workshop today!
The next Reiki and Sound healing workshop is on Friday 22nd July, 6.30-8.30pm at the Caulfield South Community Hall! Spots are limited, so book in to avoid missing out. To find out more and book into this workshop, click here.
You can also find out more information about Steph Jackowski (intuitive sound healer) here.