Spiritual healers – which one is right for you?

By Casey Cheah, 24 April 2023

Spiritual healers – which one is right for you?

Spiritual healers and spiritual healing comes in all forms, and there are many different types of energy healing. So how do you know Reiki is the right one for you?

Find what works for you

There is no one way to heal, and there is no right way either! The ‘right’ way will be the one that works for you. Sometimes what works for one person is not necessarily going to resonate with someone else. Other times, what works for someone at one particular point in time, will not work for that same person at a different point in time. The important thing to remember is to listen to your intuition, and what you feel most drawn to. 

If it doesn’t fit, try, try again

Just like anything, not every healer is going to be good, or the right match for you! However, just because you don’t vibe with one healer, doesn’t mean the modality is not working. It might just mean you need to try a different healer. 

Spiritual healers

I’ve had my fair share of terrible Reiki healing or spiritual healing experiences before! I had one particular experience where the healer didn’t stop asking questions throughout the entire Reiki treatment. I was in tears and felt awful, and as a result I never went back. But thankfully I’ve also had incredibly transformative Reiki experiences with other practitioners! It was the results I had from those experiences that really stood out. It really is about finding the person that resonates with you, and with whom you trust to let into your sacred energetic space.

Reiki has transformed my life!

Reiki healing has totally transformed my life personally. It’s helped me heal through break ups, life challenges, physical pain, emotional grief, and more. It’s opened up my intuition big time! I have developed my psychic abilities, and increased my sensitivity, self awareness, and awareness of others. It’s helped me further develop my mediumship and channelling capabilities, and I’m diving deeper and deeper into spiritual and energy healing every day. I honestly feel so blessed at what Reiki has brought to my life.

Reiki is a serious business

I take Reiki very, very seriously. I’ve learnt a lot over the years through both good and bad spiritual healing experiences, and I’ve developed a high level of discernment now. I practice meditation and self-Reiki daily, and I have a strong spiritual connection that I cultivate on a daily basis. Part of being a Reiki Master means that Reiki is now a way of living, rather than just a ‘job’. It’s who I am, not just what I do. Reiki energy healing is a sacred form of healing and connecting to Spirit, and I treat it as such. When you are looking for the right Reiki practitioner for you, I would encourage you to look for someone who is truly dedicated to Reiki, and go with your intuition.

Reiki is sacred and special

I pride myself and my team at Melbourne Reiki and Wellness on our professionalism and care with every single client. If you are wanting to try Reiki, know that you are in good hands with us! My healers all have the same belief; that Reiki is sacred and special, and it is a true honour to practice Reiki. This modality is not something we do just for fun or as a party trick. It’s something that takes daily work and practice.

Reiki is a way of being, not a job

Reiki doesn’t just start in the session when a client arrives. As healers, we sit in meditation, say prayers, clear the space, and make sure our own energy is clear and clean before we even open our doors! When you come in for a Reiki treatment with any of our healers at Melbourne Reiki and Wellness, you can expect a professional and powerful spiritual experience! 

Want to try a Reiki healing? Book here

If you are wanting to try a Reiki healing treatment with Melbourne Reiki and Wellness, you can book in here. You can also read more about our pure Reiki healings here, and our Reiki + Coaching sessions here. If you are interested in learning Reiki, we offer Reiki Courses all year around. Check out our Reiki Courses here, and if you have any questions, contact me here.

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