Tarot and Reiki Healing

By Casey Cheah, 15 February 2024

Tarot and Reiki Healing

Tarot and Reiki Healing

Tarot and Reiki healing is a wonderful combination, and is becoming more and more popular! Through Tarot reading, we can gain insight into our energy, our heart’s desires, and our subconscious mind. We can also more deeply understand ourselves, our challenges, and likely outcomes if we were to continue down our current path. Reiki healing is a tool we can use to unblock our energy, calm our nervous system, and clear our mind. We can think of Tarot reading as a snapshot of where we are currently at, and Reiki healing as a powerful tool of transformation for our highest good.

Why do Tarot readings?

I personally love Tarot, and draw Tarot cards for myself every day as part of my morning ritual! Reading Tarot cards gives me insight into the energy of day, as well as a snapshot of my own energetic frequency at that moment in time. They can bring clarity if I’m confused or have decisions to make, and they can bring confirmation that I’m on the right track. Sometimes the Tarot cards will give me insight into something I hadn’t considered yet, perhaps something that is buried in my subconscious. The Tarot cards can also give me warnings, or a ‘heads-up’ about potential things that might be coming in. 

What is the benefit of doing both Tarot and Reiki together?

Tarot gives a deeper insight into what is going on right now, as well as past patterns and potential future outcomes. When we follow the Tarot reading in Melbourne by a Reiki healing treatment, that’s when real magic happens! Reiki is a true transformer of energy. Tarot can uncover things about ourselves that we may or may not have known. Reiki healings bust blockages, clear any negative and unwanted energies or spirits. Together, Reiki and Tarot can open your mind and intuition, and really change the direction of your life. 

Can you do Tarot and Reiki treatments distantly?

Yes! Energy healing can be done both in-person or remotely, including Tarot and Reiki healings. Tarot readings are not just limited to in-person, I also conduct Tarot card readings distantly too. In addition, distant Reiki healing is amazing, and works just the same as in person! The benefits of doing a distant Tarot and Reiki treatment is that you can get comfy in your own home, and don’t need to battle traffic. You will save time, money, and receive the same results as if you were here in person. Distant Reiki treatments and Tarot readings are also great if you don’t live nearby, have limited time, or even live overseas. I personally love distance Reiki healings, and receive Reiki distantly every week from my Reiki healer!

Do you use psychic abilities during a Tarot and Reiki session?

The short answer is yes I do! I’ve honed my intuition through years of practicing Reiki and energy healing full time. During a Tarot card reading in Melbourne, I will read the cards, but also open up to Spirit. I will happily share any helpful insights, downloads or messages that come from Spirit. In addition, sometimes I will find myself talking very fast or words just tumble out of my mouth. Usually this is Spirit coming through! Nothing is guaranteed however, and each session is completely unique, depending on where your energy is at on that particular day. In addition I also open up to Spirit a lot during my Reiki healing treatments. There will usually be plenty of insights and downloads at the end of both the Tarot and Reiki healing session. 

What happens at the end of the session?

At the end of the Tarot and Reiki healing session, you can ask questions, which I do my best to answer! I’ll give you my insights, and guide you on your next steps. Sometimes I will recommend booking in for another pure Reiki healing session if there is a particular challenge you are working through. Other times, it would be more beneficial for you to take some time to process whatever has come up during the session. Everyone is different, and each session is tailored to you. You will also be required to pay for your session at the end too.

Book in for your Tarot and Reiki healing today!

Tarot and Reiki healing sessions are enlightening, transforming, and reassuring. They can give you the clarity you’re seeking and confirmation you’re on the right track. Tarot can also give you insight into something you may not have been aware of before. Combined with a beautiful Reiki healing treatment, you’ll walk out feeling clear, calm and grounded. If you are ready to book your Tarot and Reiki healing session, you can do so here! If you have further questions, you can read more about the sessions as well as information and FAQ’s here. You can also reach out and email me here. I look forward to seeing you for your Tarot and Reiki healing soon!

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