We often underestimate the power of the word. However, words hold much more energy that we realise, and their meanings shape and drive our behaviour in all sorts of subtle ways.
Everything is energy
Everything is energy, including our thoughts and words. We can say words out loud, and we can also talk to ourselves (and others) in our mind. It doesn’t matter if we speak out loud or in our mind, words hold the same powerful vibration that has a ripple effect on the people around us, as well as ourselves.
Words + Intention = powerful energy
For example, if we say the word ‘STRONG’, it has a very different feel, energy, weight, and emotion, to the word ‘WEAK’. If we think of the word ‘HONEST’, it has a different energy to the word ‘LIAR’. Everything we say sends out an energetic pulse, that can either lift someone up (raise their vibration), or deplete their energy (lower their vibration). Words on their own hold an energy, but they are even more powerful combined with intention. Intention, combined with word, creates a certain ‘spell’, or energetic effect, not only on the person it’s sent to, but within yourself as well. This is why it’s so important to ‘be impeccable with your word’ (Don Miguel Ruisz, ‘The 4 Agreements’).
Words create spells
Think about the word ‘spell’. The verb ‘to spell’ or ‘spelling’ is creating a word by joining letters together in an ordered or meaningful way. The noun ‘spell’ is a word (or series of words) intending to make ‘magic’ things happen. In terms of energy, these meanings are really one and the same.
Spells create beliefs that create behaviours that turn into habits
For example, perhaps a child was told when they were young that they weren’t smart, that they were ‘stupid’. That child then grows up thinking and believing they are stupid. Their behaviours reflect that belief (our mind is always trying to prove ourselves right, even if it’s a ‘negative’ belief). Those beliefs and behaviours then become habits. Habits are beliefs and behaviours that require a lot less energy expenditure, because we have done or said them over and over again. This is why it can be difficult to change our beliefs, because we have to break a habitual pattern of thinking, which requires continual conscious effort.
Intentional vs Unintentional?
What we say to others can be very harmful or have a strong effect on them, even if it wasn’t intentional. For example, I grew up understanding that I am an Ox in the Chinese zodiac. I was always told that oxen have to work really hard to plough the fields, therefore I would always have to work really hard to achieve my goals and make a living. This belief came from my Dads belief, which most likely stemmed from his parents’ beliefs, and so on. This may or may not be ‘true’, but if I believe it is true, then it will be true for me.
Changing words and beliefs takes conscious effort
This belief is still an energetic vibration that I’m still working on changing in myself even today, as it has been long ingrained in my psyche. Now I hold a different belief, however it takes conscious effort and work to remind myself of my new belief. This will continue until my new belief becomes more automatic (habitual) and eventually will replace my old belief.
The impact of words and beliefs
This particular belief is not so harmful, in fact in can have positive impacts on my behaviour too. I have grown up with a tendency to work super hard, which does pay off at times (though not always)! However, if someone grew up in an abusive, harmful environment, this would be much more difficult. It would take a lot of effort and conscious work to replace certain beliefs that they may have grown up with, in order to change their energetic impact and their consequent behaviours.
Negative self talk
Negative self-talk is a big one. All those negative words that are said inside your head, do not only come from you, but are directed back at you too! Negative self-talk is usually ongoing and repetitive, so the more you say something, the more energy it generates.
Consistency trumps truth
In addition, consistency trumps truth every time. In other words, the more you say something, the more you tend to believe it’s true, rather than the actual truth. For example, the more you say ‘I’m fat and ugly and don’t deserve love’, the more you will believe that. The more you believe something, the more your mind will find ways to prove to you that statement is true. Beliefs usually trump truth in our mind, in that everyone is beautiful! Everyone deserves love without having to look, do, or be anything different to who they really are.
Words can be empowering!
Just as words can be detrimental, words can be empowering too! The more we use loving words, the more that high vibrational energy will pulse through you and outside of you. This is why affirmations, prayer, and intention-setting are so important. Intention is also the most important aspect of Reiki healing too.
We have the power to send energy outwards (and inwards)
The words we speak hold a potent energy, and we each have the power to cast that energy or ‘spell’ upon anyone we choose. However, be warned, because whatever you send out to others, is magnified in your own body too. Therefore, we can utilise this knowledge to raise our own vibration, and stand more firmly in love (if we wish!).
Book in for a Reiki energy healing today!
If this resonates with you, and you would like support to change your language, cleanse your energy, and release negative self-talk, book in for a Coaching or Reiki healing treatment today! Reiki healing has the power to release negative energy, and replenish your body with positive, life force energy instead. If you have any questions about energy healing, or the power of the word, you can contact me here.