What is inner work?
What is inner work? Inner work is working on the internal landscape of ourselves; our mind, emotions, and subconscious beliefs. Energy work and Reiki on its own is amazing of course! But if we can combine Reiki healing with inner work, that’s where incredible transformation can occur.
Being open to the process
Doing the inner work requires patience, an open mind, and a willingness to learn. It also requires the ability to look at yourself, and be open to seeing a new perspective. It’s not always easy, that’s for sure! When we deal with our Shadow self and unconscious beliefs and behaviours, it can often bring up a lot of emotions. However, learning tools and strategies to deal with our past experiences can help us transform. We can start to release the emotions and traumas stored in our body and not just heal our past, but change our future too.
Seek to understand
Inner work is a passion of mine. I’m always seeking to understand myself on a deeper level. I know if I can understand myself, I can better understand others too. Something I’ve learnt a long time ago is that the healing journey never ends. We are all on this continual path, and there is always something to uncover and learn! This journey doesn’t have to be so serious either. There are times that can be emotional and challenging for sure. But there are also times where we have incredible breakthroughs, and when we see our lives change for the better, there is no greater reward.
Physical pain and the ‘pain body’
A lot of the inner work I’m doing for myself has stemmed from a lot of physical illnesses and injuries. It’s something I’ve experienced personally a lot from a young age. As an empath, I’m super sensitive and very emotional and intuitive. I store emotions in my body very easily! These stored emotions (and traumas too), become my ‘pain body’. When my pain body gets triggered, it flares up very quickly. The work I’m doing for myself is around mastering my mind, interrupting my pain body, becoming aware of any time my ego-mind flares up, and tuning into the awareness of my Higher Self.
Psychology and energy work is the magic combination
In addition, I’m also working on understanding my childhood, my behavioural patterns, and healing my own ‘stuff’. This work, combined with energy healing, is absolutely transforming my life. I don’t feel like the same person I was even last year! I’m a big believer in continued education, whether that be learning a new modality, or learning about yourself. On top of that, I’m also a big believer in giving ourselves time to integrate, adapt and change. This definitely takes time, and can require patience, self compassion, and understanding.
Have blockages? Do the inner work
If your life is not going the way you want, or you’ve noticed certain ‘blockages’, perhaps it’s time to invest in yourself. Reiki + Coaching is an incredible way to dive in deeper to your mind and emotions. You’ll learn more about yourself, and cleanse your energy too. Sessions are not always full of roses and rainbows however! Sometimes it will require taking the boxing mitts off, opening your heart, and being brutally honest with yourself. So often we waste our precious energy on defending ourselves, putting up walls, sitting in denial, or avoiding the hard stuff. It’s understandable, because it can definitely be challenging! But these strategies (most likely learnt long ago in childhood) only get you so far. If you want to change, then you need to be open to doing things differently.
Book in for Reiki + Coaching
If you’re feeling ready to dive in, book in for a Reiki + Coaching session here. For those who want to know more about Reiki and do an even deeper dive into the energetics, mindset and spirituality side of things, book in for a Reiki Course here! If you have any questions about inner work and what it involves, you can contact me here. I’m here as a support for you, even when things get hard. I do my own inner work too, so you are not alone in your journey!