Reiki Healing – St Kilda

Reiki Healing –St Kilda

Do you come home tied up in knots? Do you feel like it’s hard to relax and unwind? Reiki could be the answer that you’re looking fo. Reiki is an energy healing therapy in which the practitioner channels universal life force energy through their hands and into your body for the purposes of healing.

Our bodies aren’t just solid physical matter – everything is made up of energy. If you feel blocked, our of balance, fatigued and tired, Reiki in St Kilda can help you to boost your energy, clear your mind, and give you a new perspective on life.

What Happens During a Reiki Session?

During a session for Reiki in St Kilda, we start by having an initial conversation about what is currently going on in your life. Then you will have a full Reiki healing, in which Reiki energy is channelled to you through the practitioner’s hands. Afterwards, you’ll have a chance to share how you felt during the Reiki treatment, and your practitioner will guide you in your next steps in your healing journey.

Book Reiki in St Kilda today

If you want to experience the deep relaxation that Reiki in St Kilda offers, book a session at Melbourne Reiki & Wellness today. Situated close to St Kilda in nearby Elwood, we’re happy to offer in-person and distance Reiki services, as well as mindset coaching. Book here to make an appointment.