Focus on what you DO want!

By Casey Cheah, 11 October 2024

Focus on what you DO want!

Focus on what you DO want

So often we are focused on what is problematic in our lives, or what is not working. If you compare the amount of time you spend during the day worrying about something, vs focusing on what you DO want, most of the time the worries will outweigh the focused desires.

Where your focus goes, energy flows

There is a universal law that says ‘where your focus goes, energy flows’. If you are focusing on all the things that are not working, the things you are worried or stressed about, then guess what? The Universe is going to give you more of those things! It doesn’t matter what it is, the Universe simply listens to what you are spending your time thinking about, feeling, and doing and follows your lead. 

The Universe is energy and so are you

You are made up of energy, and your thoughts, feelings, and visualisations are energy too. When you think about something, you will omit a particular frequency depending on the feelings and emotions the thought is bringing up. For example, if you are constantly thinking about your work stresses or how annoying your boss is, you will most likely feel stressed, anxious, and frustrated. You will then omit those frequencies out to the world around you. The Universe will then simply mirror back to you whatever frequency you are holding in your energy field. If you are negative, you’ll find you attract negative people back to you. If you’re grateful, joyful and positive, you will find you will attract the same in return.

Use your imagination

You can use this universal law to your advantage! Rather than dwelling on all the things that are not working in your life, focus your mind on what you DO want. If you want to take it a step further, imagine what it would be like having or doing the thing that you want. Visualise it, hold the image in your mind, and feel the feelings you would experience if you already have it. By doing this, you are training your mind to step into the version of yourself that has achieved what you desire. 

YOU need to change first

When wanting something different, it will require YOU to be different. Only when you change your energy, will you change what the world gives back to you. To change your energy, you will need to change your mindset and perspective. This will then change your emotions. With more positive emotions (energy-in-motion), you will exude a higher frequency, and the world will mirror that back to you. 

The internal battle ensues

However, this is easier said than done! Change is not easy for us, because our brain likes to take the easy, well-worn familiar route. We generally don’t like change, because it’s unfamiliar. That uncertainty of not knowing what will happen, or how to do something differently, can cause a stress response in the body and mind. Our Ego-mind kicks into gear, and starts to put protection mechanisms in place to ‘protect’ you from the potential threat that might occur. This is where the battle between your Higher Self and Ego-Mind ensues. 

Stress response to change?

Our stress response is also not just responding to the potential threat of the unknown when we’re trying to change and do something differently. It’s also responding to old triggers, wounds, and painful memories from childhood, past lives, and other fears we might have. If you’ve had a traumatic, highly stressful, or chaotic upbringing, or have had a lot of pain, struggle or suffering, your Ego-mind and your corresponding behavioural adaptions will be on high alert, and will likely try to handbrake you even more. 

Know yourself 

In laymen terms, this means your nervous system will be highly active. This often results in either a fight, flight, fawn or freeze response when trying to change. If you are wanting to change your mindset, behaviours or become a better version of yourself, first know which of these stress responses are your personal MO. 

Fight – channel fire into what you do want

If your MO (method operandis) is fight, you will likely feel angry and frustrated with the situation or yourself, then complain, vent, or take these emotions out on others as a result. Sometimes angry can also be a cover up for fear too. However, if you can channel this fire energy into focusing on what you DO want, and using it to drive you through the fear, this can be a very productive energy to use.

Flight – embody your idol or higher self

If your MO is flight, you will likely find all the reasons to avoid going through with the change. There is always something more important to do, or you become a master procrastinator. If this is you, a great strategy to help is to embody someone who is great at doing the thing you’re not. For example if you are wanting to get to the gym because you want to focus on your health and fitness, but find all the excuses to not go, try embodying someone you admire in the fitness industry. It could be your favourite sports idol, your personal trainer, or even your Higher Self! Give your Higher Self a name, and like an actor, pretend to play the part. Do this enough times, and eventually you will become that version of yourself. 

Fawn – take responsibility for yourself

If your MO is to fawn, you’re likely to be highly sensitive, overly empathetic, and have people pleasing tendencies. You abandon your own needs and desires, and instead become hyper-alert to other people. You then pretzel yourself into a version that will be accepted, liked, and therefore safe around other people. In order to make internal changes, first you must learn to focus back on yourself. Give yourself permission to have needs, and learn how to put yourself first. This is not selfish, this is actually taking responsibility for yourself. Just doing this will realign you with what YOU want, and you’ll be better able to visualise what you desire, rather than pandering to other people’s needs.

Freeze – seek the support you need

Freeze is the last resort when we are under stress. When our body has no other options, we go to freeze mode. We might shut down, go mute, and not be able to function. If the changes you want to make are causing you to freeze, the first step is retraining your nervous system to let go. You might need to change your focus from ‘this is a problem’ to ‘this is an opportunity to learn more about my body’. Learning how to release stress, tension, and trauma will take some time. If you notice yourself freezing, the first step would be to seek some support from a therapist, Reiki healer or coach. Releasing trauma is no easy feat, and is best done with professional help.

Life becomes more open

When you can focus your attention on what you DO want, life becomes more open. We start to look for solutions, rather than dwelling on the problems. You might notice your mind starts to think differently, outside the box. Our brains are kind of like google, whatever you ask of it, it will come up with many different options and answers. Be open minded to see what comes! 

Book a Reiki Healing!

If you hit roadblocks when you are doing your best to change, try one of the solutions above! If you need extra support, reach out and book a Reiki Healing or Reiki + Coaching session. These sessions are wonderful to gain a different perspective, unpack your limiting beliefs, and clear your mind and energy. To book in, click here. Or to dive deeper into how Reiki and energy healing can help, book in for our upcoming Reiki Level 1 course here

I look forward to supporting you on your journey to change!

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