Kinky Shadows

By Casey Cheah, 23 January 2025

Kinky Shadows

Kinky shadows

Have you ever tried to manifest something, but it just doesn’t seem to work? You get blocked, there’s too much resistance, and so you give up. Shadow work takes courage, but by understanding your unconscious guilty pleasures, or ‘kinky shadows’ it can help you to accept them. In accepting them, you release resistance to them, and so clear the blocks to allow you to manifest with more ease. 

The Higher Mind

The Higher Mind, also known as the Higher Self, incorporates ALL aspects of us. We are all divine beings, a part of the greater Spirit, or Source energy. God/Goddess/Source is all encompassing, but in order to know itself, it needed to split into two ‘separate’ energies (light and dark). It can only know itself, when it knows what it is not. This is where we now have the human/Source paradox. We are both separate human beings with individual desires, AND we are all part of a singular energy force (Source). We are all here on Earth to express God/Source in unique, different ways. However, by the very nature of duality, it comes with a challenge to overcome: the Ego-mind.

The Ego-Mind

Our Ego-mind is mostly our conscious mind, the part of us that tries to keep us safe. The ego does this by judging people and situations around us, and also judging our own internal thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It usually only wants to reveal and accept the lighter aspects of ourselves, the parts that we deem ‘good’ and ‘right’. It analyses everything to work out what is safe to share and show the world, and what is not appropriate according to societal, familial, personal, and other standards. Anything that the Ego-mind deems inappropriate, gross, shameful, embarrassing and more, it pushes down into a darker compartment of the mind: the unconscious.

The Unconscious Mind

Herein lies all the emotions, thoughts, beliefs, primal urges, sexual desires, embarrassments, fears, and other secrets that we deem not acceptable or inappropriate. We push these down to keep ourselves safe. We don’t do this consciously; often they get pushed down as a learned response. The problem is, everything that is stored in our unconscious mind holds us back from truly manifesting what we consciously desire. The stuff in here drains our energy/life force like a hole in a bucket. We can try and manifest our desires, but our energy is leaking out at the same time. It’s like taking one step forward, and two steps back.

Kinky shadows and guilty pleasures

Shadow work is challenging and can bring up a ton of emotions. It’s not easy to confront our deepest fears! However, in addition to keeping us safe, there can also be a part of us that actually enjoys the darker side of life, or what we might call our ‘guilty pleasures’ or ‘kinky shadows’. It’s the part of us that gets a thrill watching people get killed in movies, eating junk food, or taboo sexual fantasies. 

No blame or shame

A quick note – we don’t consciously choose these unhealthy patterns! There is no shame or blame here. Mostly we absorb these limiting beliefs and unhelpful behaviours as children, either from our surroundings, teachers, or from familial, ancestral or generational patterns. We also are part of the greater collective, and as such absorb shadows from the collective human shadow consciousness too.

We manifest our unconscious desires

The interesting thing with manifesting, is that we don’t get what we consciously want, we actually manifest what is aligned with our unconscious desires. We can use affirmations that are in alignment with our Higher Self and divine purpose. But unless we transmute and truly accept ALL aspects of ourselves, we might feel like we’re always battling some unseen force that is preventing our manifestations from coming into reality. 

Accept all aspects of you

The key to transmuting and truly manifesting your conscious desires? Accepting all parts of yourself, exactly as you are. What you resist, persists. If you keep resisting the parts of you that you are ashamed or embarrassed about, you will continue to block your energy and subsequent manifestations. You are a divine expression of God/Source! Once you accept all your secret desires and kinky shadows, there is nothing to hide, and nothing to be afraid of. When we commit to fully being who we truly are, and accept that we all find some joy in the darker sides of life, then we can start to patch the holes in our bucket, and truly raise our frequency with ease.

My personal story shared

For me personally, this is why I decided to share my Kundalini story, with all its challenges (read here). I spoke about the crazy experiences I had during my Seichim Reiki Mastership. I didn’t want to hide these experiences away, and to pretend everything was ‘fine’ when it was actually really messy. There have been so many times that I’ve broken down in the past two years, and through it all, I’ve learned to hold space for my emotions, face my fears (a work still in progress!), and dived into my own kinky shadows. 

Revealing shadows unlocks your divinity

This is what Kundalini has given me – the opportunity to clear and transmute all these things that were previously in my unconscious mind. By becoming conscious of them, I can learn to accept them, love them, and realise that everything about me is still an expression of God/Source. Even in my messiest, tear-stained, ‘un-perfect’ state, I am still a perfect expression of divinity. And so are you.

Learn more about Reiki

If this sparks something within you, perhaps you’d like to dive in deeper to your unconscious mind. Book in for a Reiki + Coaching or a Reiki healing here. If you’d like to learn more about Reiki healing, book in for a Reiki Level 1 Course here! We also have our first Seichim Reiki Level 1 Course coming up in March, read more here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me here.

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