Reiki clears your energy, which can make a significant difference to how you feel! We are all made of energy, and we all have an energy field called an aura. Our energy field picks up on all sorts of things, including other people’s energy and emotions, the energy of places, spiritual influences and more. Over time, if we don’t clear our energy field, just like a window, it becomes cloudy and heavy with other energies.
Reiki for highly sensitive people
Some people are very open energetically and are known as highly sensitive people, or empaths. People who have autism, ADHD, OCD, or are neurodivergent, are often very open and sensitive to energy too. These sensitive people are more likely to be aware of the differences in energy, and it can have a more significant effect on them. In addition, people who work with energy on a regular basis such as energy healers, also have highly developed sensitivities. It’s extremely important for healers to clear their energy to ensure a clear channel for their work.
Reiki helps those who are not so sensitive too
Other people who are not so sensitive, or are not so open energetically, may not notice such a difference. However, it doesn’t mean they are not affected too! Sometimes people just don’t realise the reason they might feel a certain way is actually because they have picked up on someone else’s energy.
Reiki clears emotions
Oftentimes we might feel angry, tired, sad or frustrated, and not realise we have actually absorbed that energy from someone else. Once that other energy is cleared, all of a sudden we are back to feeling like ourselves again. Other times, we might have a spiritual influence (a negative spirit, or someone else’s negative energy being sent our way). This can heavily influence how we feel, whether we realise what is happening or not.
Reiki helps with mental health
Often if someone is experiencing anxiety, depression, overwhelm, stress or other heavy emotions, it may be because they are under the influence of other energies. After a Reiki healing, many people report back saying their anxiety has gone. They feel happier, lighter, and more like themselves again! This is because now their energy field has been cleared. Reiki is unconditional love, a very high frequency, and when channeled into someone, it can elevate their energy and have a very positive effect.
Cutting energetic cords and spiritual influences
Reiki clears your energy, and if you receive Reiki from a professional Reiki healer with more advanced skills and capacity, you may also receive deeper energy work. For example, when clients come to me for a Reiki treatment, I not only clear their energy field of other people’s energy, I also cut energetic cords, clear negative spiritual influences, and much more. I then flood my client with Reiki energy and divine light, which helps to raise their vibration. A higher vibration means a clearer mind, a greater connection to their intuition, and a deeper connection to themselves.
Miracles happen after Reiki!
Reiki treatments feel amazing afterwards, but they can do so much more than make you feel good. Reiki has the power to truly transform your innate energy and frequency. When you leave at a higher frequency, miracles happen! You will then attract other higher frequency people, opportunities and abundance. It’s never surprising to me when clients report back with incredible synchronicities. This could be a pay rise, meeting a new partner, a job offer, or other amazing events in the week or so after a Reiki healing.
Reiki for people in high stress environments
If you notice you are feeling heavy, exhausted and tired, you might be carrying a lot of energy from other people. For those people who work in emotional or high stress environments, such as a hospital, psychology, teaching, trauma work, police or the fire brigade for example, it might be necessary to have regular Reiki healings to keep your energy clear. Reiki treatments can be an incredible self care tool to help you reconnect back to yourself again.
Self care is imperative
As a Reiki Master teacher, I make sure I have my own regular Reiki treatments! I also invest a lot of time, money and energy into self-care, to ensure I am taking care of my mind, body and energy. I also meditate and self-Reiki daily to ensure I’m a clear and clean channel of energy and spirit for my clients. If you are also an energy worker, it is highly recommended to practice daily meditation or energy clearing. Not only to keep your energy high vibrational, but to also help you attract the best quality clients!
Book in for a Reiki healing today
If this is resonating with you, book in for a Reiki healing or Reiki + Coaching session here! Perhaps you might be interested in a Tarot + Reiki healing session, find out more here. And if you’d like to learn Reiki and empower yourself to learn how to self-Reiki, find out more about our Reiki Courses here. I look forward to meeting you!