Welcome to 2025!

By Casey Cheah, 9 January 2025

Welcome to 2025!

Welcome to 2025!

Welcome to 2025, the year of the snake! I’d like to start the year off by giving you some insights into the energetics of the year ahead. This will help you when thinking about your intentions and goals, planning your next steps, and making decisions.

Numerology of 2025

This year 2025 is a ‘9’ year (2+0+2+5=9). The number 9 is the ending of the 9-year numerology cycle, before we start back at 1 again in 2026 (2+0+2+6=10=1, new beginnings). This year will be all about fine tuning our direction for 2026 when we all start a new cycle. We might find that we are closing the chapter on some relationships, investments, or projects, and reinventing ourselves, ready for the following year in 2026. 9 is also all about self-mastery, so themes around mastering your mind, emotions and energy will likely crop up too.

The Hermit 

In Tarot, the ninth major arcana card (determining collective energies and big life movements) is the Hermit. The Hermit is all about moving slowly. He cannot see the big picture in front of him just yet, so he is using his intuition and going slowly but surely, step by step. This is the energy of 2025. The Hermit is all about trusting in oneself, listening to our inner guidance system, and learning to be ok with not knowing everything right away. The shadow side of the Hermit may also appear (both on an individual and collective level). This can include fear, not telling the whole truth, disguises and isolation. If this is something you encounter, drop into your heart, focus on what you can control, and trust your intuition.

Collective energy for 2025

Every single human on the planet makes up the ‘collective energy’ through our thoughts, emotions and actions. To garner more insight, we can look at the four ‘9’ minor arcana cards in the Tarot deck, the 9 of wands, 9 of swords, 9 of cups and 9 of pentacles.

The old way

The 9 of swords and 9 wands talk to being stuck in the ‘old’ way. By not letting go and trying to hold onto what is familiar (even if it’s no longer working), we stress ourselves out. We might find ourselves getting stuck in our minds, overthinking and worrying too much. We might feel overburdened, trying to do way too much. Perhaps we want to try new things, new projects, meet new people, and so on, but we also don’t want to let go of the old. We end up trying to do it all, and burning out (I can definitely relate to this!).

The new way

The key to 2025 is to allow the things that are not working to drop away, to make room for the new. If you can back yourself, trust in your intuition, and let go of what is familiar to try something new, there is a lot of potential gold on the other side! The 9 of pentacles is a card of self love, wealth, beauty, happiness and joy. The 9 of cups is the ‘manifesting’ card, meaning you will be able to more easily manifest your desires for the future, without carrying the burdens of the past. You will be able to plant seeds in 2025 to bear fruit in 2026 (when the new cycle begins), and have the space and energy to nurture them. 

Clear the decks first

If you are still carrying limiting beliefs, energy draining relationships, old habits and behaviours from 2024, it’s like trying to plant new seeds amongst the weeds. We must clear the weeds first before planting new seeds! How do we do that? Notice what is not working in your life. Notice what feels hard, what stresses you out, and what feels like a burden. Ask yourself, why am I still holding onto this thing, this person, this work? Is there a way I can release this burden to allow fresh energy to flow through my life? Write down all the things you want to release. Feel grateful that they have gotten you to where you are now…then tear the paper up, and throw it away!

Welcome to 2025…in March!

Now, think about what you DO want to invest in for your future. Allow yourself to dream big! You may not have the entire picture yet, and that’s ok. The Hermit card tells us that things will be revealed in good time. We have just had the new calendar year on 1st January, however the energetic new year doesn’t start until March 2025 with Aries season! We are still in the process of clearing the energies of 2024, so use this time to clean house, journal your thoughts about what you want to let go of, and start feeling into the things that bring you joy.

Advice for 2025

Go slowly, step by step. Allow the picture to unfold in due course. Trust in your intuition and inner guidance system. Practice letting go of the old, whether it be relationships, habits, old ways of thinking, limiting beliefs, or simply things that do not bring you joy. Instead dream big, focus on what you do want, and invest back into yourself! Don’t give in to victim mentality, fears, or overthinking. Instead, trust in Spirit and your higher powers to guide you, and listen carefully to any intuitive insights. Take a chance on yourself and try new things, but also hold them lightly as this year there is also likely to be a lot of changes and ‘pivot moments’ as we fine tune our direction for 2026. 

Need support?

If you need support in processing grief, frustration, or other emotions which tend to arise when letting go of the old, book in for a Reiki + Coaching or Reiki healing here. I can help you release limiting beliefs, clear the energy of 2024 from your energy field, cut cords, and release negative energies. If you need support in planning your future, visioning, or understanding how your intuition really works, I can help with that too! You can book your Reiki treatment online here.

Want to learn Reiki?

For those of you interested in learning how to clear your own energy, Reiki yourself, and understand how to work your magic, consider booking in for a Reiki Course! Start with Reiki Level 1, you can find out more here. For any questions, contact me here, I would love to hear from you!

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