
What is Reiki and can it help me?

5 September 2019 | Reiki

Energy healing is slowly becoming more and more popular as an alternative healing therapy, but there are still many people who […]

Ask 5 whys

13 August 2019 | Coaching, Reiki

Have you ever been super busy, overwhelmed or stressed? And maybe had a little teeny thought in the back of […]

Perception and emotion

7 August 2019 | Coaching, Yoga

Perception and emotion both determine our experience of life. I’ve been a yoga teacher for many years now, and teach […]

Forgiveness and gratitude

23 July 2019 | Coaching

We’ve all experienced challenging moments in our lives; situations that may have left a lasting impact on us. Even now, […]

From pain to power

13 July 2019 | Coaching, Reiki

Moving from pain to power can be challenging, but staying in pain or fear is far worse! Fear is an […]

Emotion is Energy in Motion

25 June 2019 | Coaching, Reiki

As human beings, we experience a whole range of emotions, from happiness, to anger, sadness, frustration, and many more. We […]

Reiki for burnout

19 June 2019 | Coaching, Reiki

Burnout is something that many of us, myself included, have experienced before. When we experience stress for a long period […]

Let go of worry

5 June 2019 | Coaching, Reiki

Just for today, let go of worry, so you can feel lighter and more joyful in your experience of the […]

Reiki for stress and anxiety

29 May 2019 | Coaching, Reiki

Are you going through an anxious or stressful time? Perhaps a relationship break up, a friendship break down, or family […]

Life is a mirror

9 May 2019 | Coaching, Yoga

In yoga I often talk about how our life is a mirror. Our outer world is a reflection of the […]

8 self care tips for busy people

12 April 2019 | Coaching, Yoga

Are you someone who loves to give to others? So often we are constantly giving out – our time, energy, […]

Gratitude and Reiki

14 March 2019 | Reiki

The benefits of gratitude are long lasting, and combined with Reiki, can help immeasurably to heal your body and mind. […]

Chakra balancing and Reiki

20 February 2019 | Reiki

Chakra balancing and Reiki can feel wonderful, but what exactly is involved in a chakra balance? First, we need to […]

What to expect in a Reiki treatment

13 February 2019 | Reiki

You’ve heard so many amazing things about Reiki, but still unsure what to expect in a Reiki treatment? I know […]

Reiki for stress relief

5 February 2019 | Reiki

We have all experienced stress at some point, and usually we associate stress as a negative response or emotion. We […]